2bri02b Kurt Vonnegut Rhetorical Analysis

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Imagine if you were in a world that the only way for newborns to survive, the mother and father had to have a volunteer to die so the baby could live. Would you want to live in that kind of world? That is the kind of world that is in 2BR02B by Kurt Vonnegut. The theme/ claim of this excerpt, 2BR02B is life isn't always happy and amazing. One piece of evidence to support my claim/theme is, according to 2BR02B, by Kurt Vonnegut, it states, “The law said that no newborn child could survive unless the parents of the child could find someone who would volunteer to die. Triplets, if they were all to live, called for three volunteers.” This evidence supports my claim/theme which is life isn't always happy and amazing because how would you feel if you had to die for a baby you didn't even know and they didn't even know you? If no one dies for the baby, then the baby has to die and they can't even experience life. So, either way someone still has to die, the newborn or a volunteer. …show more content…

said Wehling. He gestured with his hands to symbolize care-free simplicity. “All I have to do is pick out which one of the triplets is going to live, then deliver my maternal grandfather to the Happy Hooligan, and come back here with a receipt.” This evidence supports my claim/theme which is, life isn't always happy and amazing because you would have the hardest decision to decide on which child you keep and the the others die. Even if he wanted to keep one child, he had to have someone die to make sure the world doesn't get overpopulated. How would you feel in this

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