
30 Day Challenge By Matt Cutt

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An average person goes through series of modification of their entire life to learn different habits and eventually learn what is right from wrong. Matt Cutt talks about the idea of taking a 30 day challenge and most importantly how a person goes out of their comfort zone. The way a person truly learns themselves is a way they find themselves. As humans a lot of the times we learn to depend on other human individuals and not always on ourselves. This is where leadership takes place, and this is what a lot of the 30 day challenge comes from is changing our normal habits. There are many things that Matt changes in his life to take himself out of his comfort zone and explains to the viewer that no matter what time is going to go on, it is up to us to take the motivation. …show more content…

One of those challenges would be to go to the gym at least once a day. The reason I would do this because like Matt talks about, time goes on and it is up to us to actually take the first step. The example that he gave us had to a lot of what we see on the T.V. one of those situations was the 30 day challenge where the main character eats McDonalds for 30 day straight. He does this by letting the 30 days going forward and changing habits to be able to eat the fast food. Going back to the idea of me going to the gym would be using this same concept and constantly doing this habit until finally it become something that I am used

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