4th Maccabees Character Analysis

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Throughout 4th Maccabees, Eleazar is challenged by the tyrant Antiochus to defend what he believes in. Even though Eleazar is tortured and killed for his stand in his faith, this self sacrificial behavior is reminiscent of Christ offering his life up to save us from our sins (as depicted in Romans 5:9-11). Eleazar shows that same love in 4th Maccabees 6:27-30 by upholding the law for a people who so consistently broke the law themselves, just as we were redeemed while we were still sinners.
When Jesus was arrested, Caiaphas, an advisor, claimed that it would be better if one man died on behalf of everyone else. In the same way that Christ died on behalf of his people, Eleazar at the end of 4th Maccabees claims, "I could have saved myself; instead,

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