
9/11 Short Stories

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She checked the shoebox beneath her bed every night, just to make sure her hidden world was still thriving. And it always was the same as she left it night before, as if time stopped without her presence. Miniscule vines crawled up the cardboard insides of the box, searching for the sky. Trees, the largest ones as thick as her thumb, rooted in the thin bottom of the box. She had created the forest, and as a god wanted something to rule. She cut off a lock of her own hair, breathed life into it. And there, in the palm of her hand, grew a small man. She named him Adam, for she felt it a strong name. Dropping him into the shoebox, she blessed his sleeping form. For it is a cursed thing, to have a person to create a living toy. She waited hour …show more content…

It took him no time at all to search every corner of the box, climb every tree, and examine each flower. He laid in the tree canopies, staring at the sky in awe. However, she made sure not to let him see her face; by her beliefs it would reduce her power. The man grew, not in size, but in curiosity. Every night when she visited him, he would badger her with endless questions, the thoughts flowing from his mouth like a waterfall. She answered all that she pleased to, but if he asked too much from her, she would close the sky on him. Though without knowledge of what it meant, he fell in love with her. Her presence was accompanied by light and glimpses of heaven; as soon as she left Adam’s world drowned in darkness.It was she who held all knowledge, who built a world just for him and placed him in it. As time passed, she showered him with gifts. Rain from a vessel in the sky. Intricate stories from strange fairylands, where people were giants. Trees laden with sweet fruits. Each night when she visited him, he sung her praises of devotion. Unbeknownst to her, he had lowered her …show more content…

There were all forms of revelries and adventures and people. Oh, people! He has never met anyone besides her, but he imagined everyone was as lovely. Days grew longer for Adam, and the only motivation for his existence was the time he spent bathing in light. His life was marked by the torture of loneliness and ecstasy of her. One day, he asked her when he would be able to see the world above him. Her voice took on a quality he was unable to interpret. Do not ask such questions or dream such dreams. The sky turned black with a loud clap. After that, he tried to banish all thought of heaven from his mind. It was frivolous, he reasoned, but the stories he meditated so long on chased after him. So he waited to gain her trust again, as fragile as it was. She visited him less often then, rarely presented him with the gifts of old. He had been a loyal pet, but she was growing weary of him; his entertainment value was

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