9th Edd Sommers Analysis

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describes the mass starvation in many parts of the world and draw moral rules and recount some moral duties to deal wit such problems. He argue " Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter and medical care are bad" (Peter singer. "Famine, Affluence, and Morality." Vice and Virtue in everyday life. 9th ed. ED Sommers and Sommers. Clark Baxter ,USA .374-3800) Food is necessary to the existeIn modern world , where high level of technologies , education and many other great things are present but unfortunately problems such as famine , poverty are stain on the world. Now society is well understood of such problems and no doubts different well developed countries providing aids to developing countries. In my opinion, providing aid to …show more content…

"Famine, Affluence, and Morality." Vice and Virtue in everyday life. 9th ed. ED Sommers and Sommers. Clark Baxter ,USA .374-3800) he give example of a drowning child that if a child is drowning in water people should save that child instead of taking care of their clothes and cleanliness because their personal stuffForeign aid helps facilitate many developmental programs in developing countries. These could help in improving those countries position in the world. Foreign aid can also reduce the number of hunger people and accelerate the industrialization of undeveloped countries. However, international aid can also be a hindrance. Most poor tend to lose their independence of economy. Developing countries misuse and donors 'nations' political controls are complex issues which urgent need to be solved like clothes and other things are much less morally significant than the life of drowning child. Moreover, he states that in modern world , distance is just an excuse for not helping people who are in need and far away because masses can use technology to help anyone who is even at great distance. To illustrate, These days, most nations on the planet have not …show more content…

Firstly, John Arthur criticizes what Singer argue that people should sacrifice their own interests (such as luxurious) to help others. Arthur objects "we have rights to our own lives , to our own body parts ,to the fruits of our labor and others have the right to our property whenever our property can reduce their misery without undue sacrifice on our part" ( John Arthur," World hunger and moral obligation: the case against singer" Vice and Virtue in everyday life. 9th ed. ED Sommers and Sommers. Clark Baxter ,USA ,381-386) Apart from it, everyone has their own needs and desires. For example, people has their own families to look after, to complete their basic needs such as education , shelter , food and countless others. Then , in this case how could they complete demands of strangers however their own family needs are yet to fulfill. Moving ahead there are positive things said of Arthur, he states the facts about the "Rights and Desert" equality in the feeling of giving equivalent contemplations to similarly genuine necessities is a piece of our ethical code .we ought to avoid damage to others if in doing as such we do not give up anything of tantamount good importance. He gave example, not to donate kidney or one eye to person in need because by doing so one can destroy his or her own happiness of life because by sacrificing own happiness or value able stuff is not a solution to the problem.