A Black Theology Of Liberation Analysis

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A Black Theology of Liberation (1970), by James H. Cone, brings light to the liberation of the oppressed by relating it to the black’s struggle against the whites. In Cone’s opinion, black theologians must fight to liberate the black people. To do this, the oppressed, must separate themselves from white religion if they wish to keep to the “goal of the revolution” (Cone, 1990, 57). According to Cone, Christianity serves to the oppressors since it was forged from white supremacy; therefore, it must instead be forged from the suffering of black people. He states that the community represent only the interest of nation that is committed to the maintenance of white supremacy (Cone, 1990, 55). This is why black theology must be separate from the white God – to discover their own theology through the focus of “blackness”. The notion of "blackness" of God is the symbol of oppression and God’s essence in the liberation (Cone, 1990, 64). This recognition of a “black God” will focus on God’s existence in humiliations and suffering - “to receive God’s revelation is to become black with God” (Cone, 1990, 66). Cone’s articulation of black liberation theology position is the …show more content…

To him the whiteness in God dehumanize the oppressed (blacks) and that peace for blacks will only come once white “become black with God” (Cone, 1990, 65). In disagreement, black people need to move forward and cease reliving in the past, because in doing so black people are making themselves out to be a bitter victim. This way of thinking is only bringing more fuel to intensified black’s uncontrollable rage. Cone’s solution to embrace black theology as the proper imitation of God will only bring more rifts in society. Peace is only possible if black people stop playing the victim (let go of their anger) and whites recognize the oppressed, so the two can come together to find a common ground so all may