A Brave New World: A Brief Summary

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The setting is the fundamental base of the novel itself. Brave New World starts in the future many decades after the Nine Years War. In the novel, all civilization had been destroyed and corrupted after that. It takes place in London, England A.F. which means “After Ford.” Society is controlled by ten ‘Controllers.’ Basically, everything is controlled by the government. In the novel, however, it also takes in these savage reservations and islands. The savage reservations are where the traditional way of life is taken place, hence the society of today. Islands are those where the people who are not conformed to society and are exiled. The traces of the past have been lost and erased from humanity in Brave New World. The people from this new civilization have been born in test tube fetuses. They are each divided into 5 different areas. These are known as alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and epsilons. This …show more content…

For instance, in the beginning of the novel, the Director explains the new evolution and reproduction of humans in their era. This creates an uncomfortable a feeling and atmosphere to the reader. This also causes tension and confusion towards what has happened and when it happened. However, changes in the setting takes place in the savage reservation in New Mexico and the new world in London, as stated before. The atmosphere within the savage reservation creates a familiar feeling and emotion towards the reader. It is seen as normal and actually civilized than being a savaged area full of chaos. The atmosphere in the civilized placed is awfully bizarre and new. This is where the reader is realizing these different atmospheres taken in the same story. The atmosphere, is of course based on the people who live within the different settings. For example, if there are depressed individuals living in an area, the place will be filled with