Huxley's Predictions For Brave New World

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When Huxley wrote the novel Brave New World he envisioned a world 600 years in the future. Although many of the things that Huxley writes about is very farfetched, other things are relatable, in fact some of them have already occurred. For example Huxley states that in the future we will have the ability to create children in test tube, modern day science has enabled us to come very close to that very same prediction. “The complete mechanisms were inspected by eighteen identical curly auburn girls in Gamma green, packed in crates by thirty four short legged, left-handed male Delta Minuses, and loaded into the waiting trucks and lorries by sixty three blue-eyed, flaxen and freckled Epsilon Semi Morons” (p.160). This is an example from the book about how they create the children. Modern society has been able to come up with ways of cloning people which is similar of the idea that Huxley had while writing Brave New World. …show more content…

In the novel everyone is constantly high on the drug soma and is always happy. Nowadays people are using drugs more than in the past. Another thing is that people are becoming more ignorant towards things around them. For example global warming is something that is very important to recognize but most people would rather not focus on it because it is such as hard task to handle. This is similar to the way that the people of the World State live, because they live in complete ignorance to everything bad in the world, such as illness and old