Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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8. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Perennial Classics, 1998. Print. The novel starts in the year 632 A.F., that stands for After Ford and the world has changed due to war. The people in charge try to make a Utopian society, but with it they take out freedom for happiness. The world has a caste system in which the higher caste have superior task, while the other caste due menial work. The people are controlled from birth to control their minds and calm the people with soma (a type of drug that is like a super antidepressant drug). Then we met Bernard Marx who is in the top of the caste. He detested the world but then meets Lenina Crowne who’d agreed to spend a vacation in a Savage Reservation in New Mexico, completely different from …show more content…

The men have left off a bus, a couple of miles away from a California farm where they’ll be working. That night they had a conversation where they talk about their dream to buy some land and making a farm. The next day George and Lennie met everyone that works on the farm. The next day, Lennie goes to the barn to see his puppy but accidently kills it. Then Curley's wife comes in to cheer him up and lets him touch her hair, but Lennie strokes it too hard and angered her, but this started to scare Lennie who then starts to hold her hair harder causing her to scream louder. He tries to silence her but accidentally breaks her neck. After he ran away, Candy finds the body and tells George. They both figure what happened and know that Curley is going to plan a lynching. George goes off and steals Carlson's Luger and joins the others in the search for Lennie. While everyone was searching George heads straight for the stream and finds Lennie. He tells him he’s not mad that he did a bad thing and begins to tell him the story of their dreams, at the same time the mob is getting closer. So George shoots him in the back of the head. When the others arrive, George tells them that Lennie had the gun and he took it away from him and shoot him. While the others are confused, only Slim knew what happen and takes George for a