How Did George Kill Lennie Wrong

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Day after day a mom takes care of her daughter, hoping to alleviate her daughter’s pain and suffering. The mom hopes and prays that her daughter will get better, that her health will improve somehow. Unfortunately, day after day, nothing changes. Day after day, they receive the same results. Her daughter looks at the mom with a pleading look in her eyes, begging the mom to put her out of her misery, a cry for help to end her anguish. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George faces a similar situation when his best friend, Lennie, accidentally murders the wife of another man, Curley. George is forced to make a very hard and serious decision. He must decide between the choice of letting Lennie live and suffer through Curley’s wrath …show more content…

But the fact of the matter is, there was no time to escape or plan the next step. It proves this when George heard “a man’s voice call up from the river, and another man answer” (105). Based on this, we can already come to the conclusion that Curley and the others were nearby. So what other options did George have? Apparently, there were no other options that could save them from this mess, except for one, which would save Lennie from extreme suffering. “The voices came close now. George raised the gun and listened to the voices” (106). This is also why George had the right to shoot Lennie. This proves that there was no escape, and it was either Curley kills Lennie, or George kills …show more content…

But what people don’t really pay attention to or think about is why George did it, but if you look at their background story and everything, it shows that George and Lennie were best friends for a long time, some could even call them brothers. Lennie isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, so George couldn’t really get mad at him when he accidentally killed Curley’s wife. George understood that Lennie didn’t mean to kill Curley’s wife, just like he didn’t mean to kill all those mice. George also knew that Curley’s wife was tricky, sly and good-looking. George realized that Lennie like her, especially with her soft hair. Lennie adored the softness of Curley’s wife’s hair, that he killed her by accident by crushing her skull when trying to pet her hair. The two planned a future together; their own dream ranch. A ranch where nobody could tell them what to do. A ranch where no trouble would come their way and they couldn’t get into trouble. Right before George put him out from the back of the head with the luger, he made Lennie think of their dream ranch, their future home. That Lennie would get to tend the rabbits. This shows how much George cares for Lennie no matter how big the crime is. He’s always be there to help Lennie get back up when he falls down. George is there to help Lennie forget all his worries and move on like nothing happened. George was the right person to kill