
A Brief Comparison Of Christians In The Modern World And The Chosen

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Throughout this semester, we have been able to gain a variety of valuable knowledge from the authors of the two novels, The Chosen and Presence in the Modern World. Although the structure and content of these two pieces of literature were very different, both were extremely insightful. Chaim Potok in his novel, The Chosen, taught us the importance of relationships and diversity. Ellul elaborated on the struggles of Christians in the modern world. Both novels provide significant insight to how Christians can and should live their lives according to Romans 12:1 & 2. In The Chosen, the characters do not share the same religion as Christians, but we can still learn from their diligence in studying the word. This along with being in community of …show more content…

Romans 12:1 calls us to offer up our bodies as a living sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to the Lord. The best way that we can do this is to live to serve God with our whole being. Our faith should shape the way we live, allowing us to pursue His purpose for our lives each and every day. By no means is this easy, but it is possible and there are ways that we can learn to do this from both Potok and Ellul. In The Chosen, the characters practice Judaism heavily. Although this does not necessarily line up with Christian beliefs, we can still learn from their devotion and dedication. Because of his father’s position in their sect, Danny is next in line to become the tzaddik, which causes him to have to study Talmud quite often with his father. After the two of them become closer friends, Reuven begins to spend his Shabbat afternoons at their house with Danny and his father, Reb Saunders. During this time, they deeply study the Talmud together. Throughout the whole rest of the book, Reuven spends more and more time studying and learning more about the Talmud. The knowledge he possesses allows him to grow in his faith as well. This book takes place over the course of Reuven and …show more content…

In chapter 2, he describes Christians as belonging to two different cities: one referring to the mortal world and one referring to Heaven. He explains how we are human and are social citizens that belong to a family, have jobs, and have duties here on earth. Yet we cannot completely belong to this “city” because it is only temporary and our allegiance is to another one, which is in Heaven with the Lord. (Ellul 28, 29). Ellul gives three strategic directions for how Christians should act in the world. First is to seek the political and social conditions of this world that would allow them to live the life that God commands. Second, it is important to recognize that God has placed each one of us in a different setting so that Christ’s desires can be spread to people of all institutions and organizations. The third suggestion he provides is that this strategy can only work if we proclaim salvation. People, specifically non-Christians need to hear the Word of God (Ellul 29, 30). Christians cannot conform to this world because they are called to always question the world’s discoveries, progress, and so much more to try to ensure that God’s demands can be fulfilled (Ellul 30). By no means is this easy, because as the world continues to change it is so easy to just change with it. But as Christians are called to a higher purpose and we need to keep this in perspective, even in our everyday

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