'A Brief History Of Marriage' By Merriam Webster

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The Right to Love Merriam Webster defines marriage as “the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law” though this definition is accurate in some ways, those ways being that it is a state of uniting people as spouses, it does not capture all of the things that make marriage what it is today. Such things being how love is, and should remain, involved in marriage. Rather than just some sort of transaction between two people, marriage is much more to American society nowadays. People’s feelings have a lot stronger of a value to marriage today rather than marriage a long time ago. Having said this, marriage had once been like a business transaction.
According to “A Brief History of Marriage” by UKTV, marriage started out with something called primitive rites which was when families married off their daughters to “secure a safe environment in which to breed, and the granting of property rights, and protect bloodlines.” Society today has viewed marriage in a different light though, seeing it as a way for people to show their love to one another, rather than “protect their bloodlines” as stated before. Marriage has not only changed in that way throughout the years either …show more content…

To now, when women and men are portrayed as equal in a marriage and each one has the opportunity to make money to support their family, or just support each other. Similarly, marriage has changed from the son/daughter being forced into a marriage they do not want for various purposes, whether that be for the family, or just because the father says so. The article entitled For good reason too, mainly because love should be a factor into the unity of two people. No matter what sexual orientation. Marriage means many things to many different people, but the most important thing is that marriage is a