The Flying Spaghetti Monster: A Parody Religion

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the deity of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and of the religion Pastafarianism. Pastafarianism is religion that promotes parodies of other religions. it is generally seen by the media as a parody religion. Pastafarians believe that midgets were the first pastafarians and the first creatures on earth and when people started to sin, The Flying Spaghetti Monster flooded the world, but made Captain Jeff save two of every spice. “Prophet” Bobby Henderson revealed Pastafarianism to the World In the Open Letter to the Kansas School Board. This essay will talk about the history of Pastafarianism through the Pastafarians perspective.

The Spaghetti Monster thought about making things. On the first day, He separated the water from the heavens. However, the Flying Spaghetti Monster soon became tired of flying and treading the waters, so he on the second day, He created land. He made patches of land that divide the waters, and from it sprung beer volcanoes. He spent the next three days creating the Heaven and out the stripper factory there. He continued with Earth and he created the midget called Man. and the rest of the universe, but because it was so large He got so tired and declared Friday a holiday. …show more content…

There Mosey was treated so badly that he quitted to become a pirate. At the sacred mountain FSM came to him as a burnt marshmallow, while Mosey was designing a pirateship. FSM told Mosey that he had to free Phils staff because they were also treated bad, and he did. The FSM then handed him “The Eight I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts” which is a parody to The Ten Commandments. Mosey then encounters Noah, who had build an ark with mud and animals, and the pirates had beaten Noah so much that he cried a