Frankenstein God Complex

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Dr. Victor Frankenstein is a fascinating character, perhaps to most others he could come across as an uninteresting, one note or just an arrogant jerk, however when one looks further one can see that he is one of the first examples of a character with a god complex. A god complex is defined as; an unshakable belief characterized by constantly inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege and infallibility. It is made very clear in “Frankenstein” that Victor has an inflated view of himself which leads to his failure and ultimate death. He thinks much to highly of his own abilities which is very much displayed in his second creature attempt, in which he believes undeniably that his first attempt could not have been a mere fluke, he believes …show more content…

Another shared belief is that their creations must like them, God would punish his children were they to not like him, as is the same with Frankenstein who believes that his creature should, nay, must absolutely adore him for being so gracious and benevolent as to create him. It also cannot be denied however that they are still very different, of course there are the obvious things, like the fact that Frankenstein had created his creature using materials produced from God’s own creations, God created without the need for raw materials, God had plans for his creations, regardless of if they chose to follow or not, Frankenstein went so far as to act quickly, gather information and materials and commit his crime and treated himself as though he had been given a mandate from god.
The differences between God and Frankenstein are also a thing which must be brought up, ignoring …show more content…

After it saw what people are capable of it grew spiteful, realizing that it had been cast out of paradise and sent to hell. The creature also has a similar arrogance to Satan after putting itself over its creator when it states that it is the master, after Frankenstein destroys the second creature. Satan and the creature are not exactly the same however, they did have very different transgressions from one another which led to their banishment, with Satan dividing heaven and the creature just existing. Another difference between the two is their reasons for living, Satan wanted to be greater than God which means that Satan without God would likely still live with some purpose, the creature needed victor in order to live, whether it is to have him create a mate for it or to suffer in order to sate the creatures desire to make victor