Examples Of Rationalization In Frankenstein

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In order to protect the view he holds of himself, which stems from his god complex, Victor Frankenstein uses rationalization to shelter himself from the guilt derived from his indirect involvement with the murders of William and Justine. In allowing young Justine to confess to the murder of William, though she is innocent, Frankenstein experiences conflicted emotions. Victor writes that “such a declaration [of who the true criminal was] would have been considered as the ravings of a madman,” (Shelly 86). This rationalization of not telling the truth is because of his inability to take responsibility for his actions. In the same passage, Frankenstein describes the guilt and sadness he feels as “fangs of remorse” (86). Typically, fangs are used …show more content…

The id “consists largely of desires regulated or forbidden by social convention” (Tyson 25), i.e. Frankenstein’s god complex, whereas the superego is the internalized rules and norms of society. While Victor’s superego is telling him that it is wrong to want to be a god, and that he needs to confess, his id convinces him that it is okay to let Justine die because even if he did confess, no one would believe him. In fact, not only does Victor not attempt to save Justine, he feels as though he is the one that has it worse, writing that “the torture of the accused did not equal [his]” (86). Justine is dead and Victor is only thinking of himself because he sees himself as apart from other people and their suffering, which is his god complex shining through. He again rationalizes his self pity by arguing that if he had confessed, people still would have suffered (namely him), and that it is better to be someone so young and innocent. In the protection of his image of self, which is a direct result of a god complex, Victor Frankenstein rationalizes his arguably terrible choices to combat the guilt that stems from his involvement with William and Justine’s