Victor's Perception In Frankenstein

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“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” (Shakespeare).The circumstance that an individual faces is not as bad as he think’s it is. Throughout literature and media many individuals have faced many issues and problems which have been thought to be impossible by others. However the level of difficulty of these problems can only be as menacing as he/she, who faces the issue sees it as. Literature that we study in class which evokes the idea above are Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and The Drawer Boy by Michael Healy. The character Victor from the novel Frankenstein perceive the many issues that he faces because of the monster, as extremely difficult and menacing. Morgan from The Drawer Boy perceives his circumstances as …show more content…

Is when Victor perceives that his evidence in the trial of Justine for the murder of his brother is useless. Victor thinks to himself if he were to confess, his confession would be dismissed because he was nowhere near Geneva when the crime was committed. He would be seen as a madman because of the content involved in his confession. Victor believes no one will believe he created life in the form of the monster and the will think he is crazy for saying so. Victor s perception affects the course of his life and it drastically affects justine’s life. Victor will forever live with the guilt of Justine’s death because of his perception of the results of his confession. This show how Victor was affected because if his perception of his current circumstance and how it will continue to affect him. This also provides and example for how his life is continuously becoming tragic because he must live with this for the rest of his life which will ruin …show more content…

This leads to the destruction of the frankenstein family and the obsession for revenge. He travels miles and across countries to catch the monster which destroyed his life until the end of the book. When Victor is ill and is discussing the matter of the monster to Walton he says that if he is to die and the monster live Walton must continue the hunt. Victor asks Walton to undergo the pains he suffered, and to swear that if he ever sees the monster to not let him live. This show how Victors perception of the monster being a hideous abomination to mankind and the devil who destroyed his family has affected his life. Victor has become obsessed with revenge to the point where he believed the crusade should not end with him and should be carried on by Walton. This scene parallels with when Victor was creating the monster . Victor was so obsessed with creating the monster he did not care for his health. Now he is obsessed with killing the monster and has stoped caring for his health. This show the effects that perception of an issue has on one's