Book Of Genesis Analysis

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The book of Genesis starts with three different accounts of the creation. In chapter verses 1 and 2, the whole creation process is summed up. Verse 3 through to chapter 2 verse 3, it gives the seven days of creation. In chapter 2 verses 4 to 25, it shows how the man was created. In day 1 of creation, God created the universe. The earth was a primordial ball of water that existed in darkness. Through his spoken word, God created the light that he called the day and the darkness that he called night. In day 2, he divided the waters by a firmament that is the sky or heavens. In day three of creation, God separated the primordial waters into the seas, and the dry land called Earth. The land was made productive to produce grass, plants, and every type of vegetation. On day 4, God created the heavenly bodies that are the sun, the moon, and the stars. People would use these bodies to tell seasons and time. In the 5th day, he created every …show more content…

In the both chapters, God is presented as all-powerful. He created every creature with the word of his mouth. In my view, this also symbolizes how powerful a spoken word is. We can make things happen through the words we speak. In the creation, the man was created the last day before God rested and was given authority over every creature. This creates an image of how authoritative and powerful human beings are. They have the power to control everything that is on earth because God gave them that position. A woman was created from the ribs of the man. When Eve was presented to Adam he defined her as a human from his flesh. It portrays a man being superior to a woman. It shows that a woman should be submissive and respect the man. God is also presented as all caring. He created a Garden full of edible fruits trees. He did this to cater to them, and this also reveals how organized He was. Before He created the creatures God made day and night first, before He created man, He created the Garden so that Adam would have something to