Gucumatz Vs Aztec Research Paper

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In the beginning, during the darkness and before the world had taken its true form there was two Gods who ruled before time. Tepeu the Maker who had the form of man and Gucumatz the Feathered Spirt who had taken the form of a serpent with bright vibrant wings. Although the void around them was dark, these two gods glistened with bright vibrant colours that stood out above all. These two gods formed an alliance and created the world.

Whatever they imagined took the shape of a solid form. When both gods imagined “Earth” land formed from the darkness. They thought of trees, plants, mountains and valleys, water and sky. All of which appeared from the darkness. Thus Earth was formed.

The gods Tepeu and Gucumatz together decided they needed beings …show more content…

Say our names!” But the animal’s sounds only were limited to roars, howls, bleats, barks and chirping. The gods did not like this and commanded the animals to stop.

They gods set to work on creating new beings. Beings that would be able to talk and worship them. The first race of beings were made from wet clay. This material was weak which lead to the beings falling apart before they were able to speak.

The next race was made from the wood and the bark of the trees. These beings were much stronger, they had the ability to walk, talk and multiply. But, their hearts were hollow and they had no minds, no memories. When they spoke their words were meaningless. They were not able to praise their gods. The gods commanded the waters to flood down upon these wooden creatures and the animals were sent to attack the survivors. The little of the race that were able to escape fled to the woods and became the forms of monkeys.

The gods were determined, they thought for a long time, they thought of materials but none of which were able to create the perfect beings.
As the days past, finally some animals brought the gods a stack of white corn. The gods, Tepeu and Gucumatz ground this into fine paste and formed individual