Relationship Between The Spanish And The Aztecs

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The relationship between the Spanish and the Aztecs was a correspondence that steadily declined as the Spanish conquered and destroyed the Aztec Civilization. The relationship was one that was bound to fail because of the naive nature and seclusion of the Aztecs along with the greed and barbaric attitude of the Spaniards. The Spanish ravaged through the new world and along with them the brought destruction and disease; with no remorse for the deaths they caused. The Aztecs, naive and uneducated, were overly trusting of their supposed “pale-faced gods.” The combination of these factors is what lead to a destructive association between these two incompatible groups. When God created the earth he began with the separation of light and darkness; …show more content…

They came from a strange place, arrived on strange vessels and acted in a way that was completely foreign to the people of this very simplistic culture. The Aztecs were secluded in this section of the world and had no desire to go out and explore the vast beyond, because they assumed that what they saw was all there was. They, in their simple minded way, were unable to envision the world that the Spanish came from. The culture and customs of these strangers was something so alien to them; at certain points the Aztecs reference the strange animals that Cortes and his men brought with them. Never been exposed to the exotic ways of the Spanish, the Aztecs knew nothing of the types of wars these men fought or the greed they were poisoned with. Their seclusion from these strange customs was yet another reason that the relationship between these two foes failed miserably. The Aztecs were highly unprepared for the barbarian ways of the men who were supposed to be god-like and civilized. They came as wolves dressed in sheep 's clothing, refined and polished, but with nothing but a thirst for blood and …show more content…

After a beginning of worshiping and honoring of these thought to be gods, the Aztecs moved to fear for their city and their lives. A fear that was rightly justified by the merciless killings of their people and their kings. The Spanish wiped out an entire nation with their weapons and their diseases, only further proving that the relationship between these two great people was one that was destined to fail from the first footstep on Mexican soil by the Spanish. With the overpowering greed and disregard for life, the Spaniards took over the city of Tenotchlan and never looked back, never regretting the choices they made out of gluttony. The relationship between the Aztecs and the Spanish declined rapidly over time, as the Spanish wasted no time in murdering solely for the accumulation of gold and land. The Aztecs inability to understand the ways of the Spanish and the turmoil brought on by disease were ultimately the final domino to fall in this