A Brief Summary Of Josiah Ledgewood

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Even though Josiah Ledgewood sees the world as a great place. The war breaks out and he can see the same fears in every mans' face, and in time Josiah was as fearful as the other soldiers. He sees the fear, of not seeing their families again, dying young, and not having the ability to support their families after they die. Before Josiah and his squad invaded Omaha Beach he saw his childhood friend. When they got to the beach it was ever man for themselves to get cover from the line of fire. One of the fears that Josiah was dying young, mostly in the minds of the the soldiers under the age of thirty. In battle Josiah and I have the same viewpoints on the fear of Josiah and the rest of the soldiers and the feeling if nervousness and anxiety. With the fear of dying young they also feared never making back home, many of the soldiers on D-Day their thoughts and fears became reality. Some of the young soldiers were so scared and shocked that they could not fight back or even move to get out of the enemy's line of fire. …show more content…

Josiah did not share this fear of having a family of his own back home but we could still see it on the majority of the others. The soldiers feared of never seeing their kids growing up, dying old with his wife, and his kids have kids. With Josiah not having a wife and kids back all he was worried about was making it home alive and alive. As he was storming the beach he was not certain that he was going to make it, when he saw a detached arm and blood flowing by his leg. That put a thought in both of us that soon that could be his arm floating by another