A Christian Apology For Beowulf And Treasure

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Second, the readers of "Beowulf " poem often confuse about whether Beowulf fought monsters for wealth or for pride. In my point of view as a reader I belief Beowulf fought monsters and beast for his pride and faith. So I chose "Goldgyfan or Goldwlance: A Christian Apology for Beowulf and Treasure " by Joseph E. Marshall from Studies in Philology journal as my critics to support my statement. In Marshall, Joseph E. “Goldgyfan or Goldwlance: A Christian Apology for Beowulf and Treasure.” Studies in Philology, vol. 107, no. 1, 2010, pp. 1–24., www.jstor.org/stable/25656034 Marshall point out the argument of Eugene J. Crook who state that Beowulf fought the monster for gold and wealth. In Marshall description Crook claim that Beowulf

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