A Compare And Contrast Essay On Frank And Leon

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Frank and Leon lead very different lives from the very start. Frank, was given a better opportunity from infancy to thrive into adulthood where he was able to become productive member of society. At the infancy stage Frank, was able to develop an emotional bond with his mother and father. His parents had family support to help support them challenging times and he was able to develop trusting relationships through his stages of development. Whereas Leon, was neglected by his mother and was not able to establish an emotional bond with her at the infancy stage. He was often left alone all day long and failed to connect with any family support that would meet his needs. As Leon, grew through the stages of development from infancy to adolescent his behaviors where much different from his brothers. He became defiant, manipulative, angry, and emotionally unattached. In addition, Leon, engaged in criminal activity and was and became involved with the juvenile justice system in early his adolescent years.
Because Leon from an early start had harsh caregiving, and lack of attachment with his parents he …show more content…

However, the sad reality is that in most cases is too late and an individual will not get treatment for a mental health diagnosis while in prison. In this case I feel that Leon is a victim of environmental, his mother’s mental health issues, social support, and finical poverty that caused him to become who he is today. Early interventions could by educators, and mental health professionals could have helped Leon at an eelier stage in his life. But it does appear that there may have been missed opportunities to clearly understand what he had experienced in the early part of his life. Because of his behaviors he was labeled a ‘bad kid’ and early interventions never took place with him or his