A Comparison Of Elizabethan England And Modern Day England

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A Comparison of Elizabethan England and Modern-Day England
The Elizabethan Era is often considered the ‘Golden Age’ or ‘Renaissance’ of English History. It was called Elizabethan simply because it coincided with Queen Elizabeth I’s rule. It was a generation of expansion of ideas and flowering of poetry, music, and literature and it greatly contributed to the theatre field. Many of the most famous people in English literature have come from the Elizabethan Era. Like all the other eras in English history, the Elizabethan had many notable similarities and contrasts with the present day. One significant remark of the Elizabethan era and our time is the role of women. During that era, women were obliged to sit still and look pretty. Women did not go to school and were educated only by their mothers. They were taught how to be a good wife and mother. Marriage for love was not valued at that time; many women are given away for social status. Many young women were married off to men that were selected by their parents and were much older than them. These women were treated by their husbands as slaves, or their property rather than wives. At that time, these wives were only good for managing the household and showing off the family status. The women of this era spent most of their earnings on their clothes to indicate their social status. Women empowerment and feminism are two very important things which are greatly implied on present day. Sexism, though still present in some