A Comparison Of Jose Julian Marti's Life And Philosophies

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Jose Julian Marti Perez, born January 28, 1853, in Havana. Son to spanish people, he was the eldest brother to 7 sisters. Skip ahead, 1865, Marti enrolls at the “Escuela de Instuccion Primaria Superior Municipal de Varones”, influencing his views and philosophies. Later he tried his hand at art but it was a commercial failure, though eventually a poem tiled “A Micaela. En la muerte de Miguel Angel” appeared in Guanabacoa’s newspaper “El Album” and several other poems

Eventually he was arrested in 1869 and spent 6 years in prison for a supposed conspiracy whereafter he was released, he made “Political Imprisonment in Cuba” which was about the terrible treatment and hard labor he went through in prison. 1875, he moved to Mexico, and campaigned

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