Poem Analysis: Uncoiling By Pat Mora

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I, Buddy Perkins, certify that I have personally completed this assignment based on my own personal efforts. I understand if I use outside sources, I must properly give my source(s) credit using the APA format and my paper should not include more than 20% of direct quotes from other sources. I understand if I do not provide proper credit to outside sources, I will be documented for plagiarism and be required to resubmit a new assignment. I will not divulge the content of this assignment or any of my work, generally or specifically, to any current or future James Madison High School students. 3/18/2018 Uncoiling Written by: Pat Mora in 1942 I found this poem in my text book: Prentice Hall: Literature, Grade 9, Part 2, Common Core Edition, on page 613. From reading the poem Uncoiling, by Pat Mora, I gathered from the information that it’s a Mexican American woman who is doing some type of spiritual dance. it is also possible that she may posses some type of magic, and the storm is coming from the dance and magic she is performing. I even get the impression that it could be a Native Spirit, it just depends on how you look at the poem through different eyes. The author had a great way of showing her feelings in her poetry writing. She urges her reader to “enjoy the word play” (Mora, About the Text) while they are reading and writing about her work. She uses human reactions such as; “she sighs clouds” (Mora, line 5)” head thrown back (Mora, line 6)” and “spins herself to