A Day Of Life In The Lottery, By Shirley Jackson

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One summer day in small village about 300 people with the sun as bright it as it could be the flowers blooming and the grass richly green it was June 27 The Lottery The New Yorker, short story by Shirley Jackson Published in 1948 . Everybody Knew what day it was the day of The Lottery It was the day that change someone life good or bad. The lottery wa held in between the post office and the bank, and that where all the action began. The whole town gathered in that day. Kids started to pick up rocks big ones and small ones. Mr. Graves and Mr. Summers came into the the middle of the crowd and to set up The Lottery. Many people talked about the rain how taxes were going But Old Man Warner talked with Mr. Adams said pope in other town quit doing the lottery Old Man Warner didn't like a said “pack Old fools if want to live …show more content…

Each dad or husband would go up to get the slip of paper (Lottery Ticket). Zanini the last name was called. Mr. Summers said ok let’s open the slip One Two Three….no one said a word. It wasn't fair someone said out from the crowd so she ‘had won’. Looks like the Hutchinson had draw the black dot that on the paper. So they all went up to do what they had to do everyone from the family had gone up to the middle of the crowd they each got a slip of paper. So Mr. Summers put the slips back into the black box where everyone had pick at early. Mr. Summers said everyone pick their slips of paper so they did and then when everyone from that family. Again Mr. Summer said ready go they open there and all the kids don't have the black dot on there pieces of paper so which one of the parents had the slip of paper Mr. Hutchinson don't have the paper so had to Mrs. Hutchinson (Tessie). So they went to work Tessie go in the middle of everyone pick up there