A Doll's House Research Paper

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Women did not write during the 18th and 19th centuries for numerous reasons with the most restrictive being the lack of social support around women's education. Women during this time period, and prior, were thought of as clearly inferior to males with the Eurocentric idea of the world becoming more prevalent. Women in different cultures were revered and had success as queens and rules, like Cleopatra, so they were not inferior to all cultures, but this idea of the world reached more people than any other idea to date. Women lacked educational opportunities and those who were able to receive and education either had the money to hire a tutor or had parents who awarded them the opportunity to read . Since women were thought of as inferior to men they were often not able to do much beyond the house as their status was primarily thought of in relation to who they married and were then subjected to house work. One thing to note is that even though many women were limited in their education they provided many of the writers with a great home life which directly had …show more content…

Even though he was a male he still took the task of writing about women's rights because he was not a conventional romantic writer plays. He had a tougher life than other male writers as he went into destitution and was not accepted into university. His protagonist, Nora, was scrutinized because of her “unwholesome” behavior of leaving her husband and Ibsen felt pressure to write and alternative ending, but he did not lose his integrity and kept the play as it was. He was a “feminist” in the sense that he cared about individuals lives and wanted to expose oppressive and hypocritical institutions like the Church and marriage. His writing was not much different than female writers of the time period, but he was able to be more direct with his work because he did not fear the backlash from audiences because he was a