A Frame Of Reference For Developing A Philosophy Of Education

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A Frame of Reference for Developing Your Philosophy of Education For each of the following state aspects or tenets you consider important for shaping your perspective on the role and functions of schools, curriculum, teaching, and learning. Then give two examples of practices you would implement in your classroom that reflect these aspects. 1. Idealism a. Key Concept –Metaphysics Idealist believe the spiritual worlds is ultimately real. A person’s soul gives them the power to think and feel. The creator grants humans the opportunity to think intellectually. Therefore reality is built from a higher power and this power is the universal mind. An individual’s mind is a smaller part of the universal mind. b. Key Concept –Epistemology To understand …show more content…

Implications for Practice in Today’s Classroom Progressives believed knowledge is a tool that does or creates something for students. Knowledge can be gained from resources, such as textbook or the internet, as long as it is beneficial and provides reasons for a student. Also, Progressives believe a child’s passion should shape his or her instruction. Instruction should consist of field trips, problem solving, art, and projects. 9. Critical Theory a. Key Concepts Critical theory focuses on raising students’ awareness on equity, fairness, and social justice. Students would recognize how a dominant class controls social, political, and educational institutions , so that class can maintain order over the less advantaged. b. Implications for Practice in Today’s Classroom Critical theorist teach two curricula, the official curriculum and the hidden curriculum. The official curriculum teaches students the standard academic subjects. However, the hidden curriculum teachers students how to break the chain of being controlled and dominated by people of a higher social status. Students would learn how to shape and take control of their own lives. See also handout on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences posted on Course