
A Generation With More Than Hand-Eye Coordination

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Technology is a vital part of our world today. Everywhere you look you see some type of technology, that is why our current generation is known as the net generation. The main part of this generation are the video games, the very thing that can suck all the time right out of someone’s day. Games are seen in many ways, violent, and dangerous to a child’s mind, nobody sees that it helps to maintain stress, and help them gain important skills for later in life, they also make kids come up with new strategies that they must use to survive in a horrible situation. In my articles ‘Video Games Help Veterans explore Post-Traumatic Stress Anonymously’ By Adam Ashton, and ‘A Generation With More Than Hand-Eye Coordination’ By Harry Hurt III, we see …show more content…

Hurt says that “Net Geners are smarter, quicker, and more tolerant of diversity than their predecessors” (Hurt, 2014). The Net Geners is a generation that ranges from the 1980s to 2000s. The generation that was born without all the hi-tech technology but grew up with it. They have more ways of research and have a wider variety and ways to research, develop reflexives from a number of video games that one kid may play, and they grew up in a time where changes were happening and they grew more tolerant of the change. Hurt states later on that, “They prize freedom; they want to customize things; they enjoy collaboration; they scrutinize everything; they insist on integrity in institutions and corporations; they want to have fun even at school or work; they believe that speed in technology and all else is normal; and they regard constant innovation as a fact of life” (Hurt III, 2014). They grew up in a society that is supposed to value freedom above all else and instead tries to control everything, so net genres get their freedom by the video games they play. In the video games, they get to control what everything looks like; they get to create their own style; they learn teamwork skills, can become essential later in life; and they enjoy making everything they do fun and entertaining. That is only some of the many reasons. At the end Hurt mentions, “video game players notice more, they have highly developed spatial skills that are useful for architects, engineers, and surgeons” (Hurt III, 2014). Video games are more prone to detail they notice the little things and that can come in handy when designing a building because one little mistake can bring the whole thing tumbling down. Engineers are designing whether it may turn out to be a piece of machinery or whatever, and need to

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