A Good Man Is Hard To Find Grandmother Character Analysis

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The Role of Family in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, written by Flannery O’Connor is a short story that brings out mystery and cruelty. Manipulation plays a big role in this story by the grandmother. She tends to manipulate her family and tends to get her way by playing with them. Although the author wanted to give many perspectives of the grandmother, we as reader got our own views of her. The grandmother was the one who surprises the reader because she tends to beg for her life while putting her family second. The importance of family throughout the whole trip was very important because they tend to stay together except the grandmother where she only cared for her survival. The theme of the story varies, because …show more content…

She plays a big role in this because in the way she is with her family. The end of Grandmother is seen as her mundane, selfish, and in every possible way. (The Moment of Grace). Grandmother throughout the whole story she is portrayed as selfish. She tends to only worry for her own survival by letting her selfishness kill her whole family including herself.We can totally tell because its significance brings the plot of the story. She only worried about herself at the end of the story. She begs for her life to Misfit however she doesn’t worries about her family until she has no other …show more content…

Because the Grandmother's intentions still remain unclear of what she really wanted and meant. As well of her point of views of her religion and approach towards it. (The Moment of Grace).The religion of the grandmother is not very clear. She tends to be unpredictable, she doesn’t explains what she reallys means by certain things she says or the way she expresses herself. The grandmother is the center of the family, for she is the grace. She is the one that takes charge even when her own son Bailey wanted to make decisions at the end she tend to manipulate him as well. Many things can be shown by the grandmother but as there are many other things that the reader things to find