
A Humorous Wedding

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And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, those who are called according to his purpose. Patricia: Thank you son for the tea. By the way, I am not going to buy you a bible with your name on it, you have a bible, so, if you want one with your name on it, pay for it when you get your reward, that’s fair. Joshua: Yes ma’am. Patricia: Now Lord help me. (Deep breath) what I am about to tell you and show you are things I believe. You are mature enough to understand. I want you to learn from my mistakes, and see things coming, and make choices to avoid them, if you need to. This is picture of your daddy’s 1965 Mustang convertible (smiles) you remember that lady that hugged you at the festival yesterday with …show more content…

Wilkerson, my banker at the age seven; she got married again and changed her name. This is a picture of your daddy in the eleventh grade; he played baseball, football and basketball. Baseball and football is the two he liked the most, but he was known statewide for all three. Your father’s family the Westbrook’s, was a rich family based on what most of us had during those days. His family and my family were very close. My granddaddy used to work for his granddaddy on their big farm. Your father was two school grades ahead of me; we attended the same church, and did a lot of family events together. When I passed the ninth grade I attended the same school as he did. He would always check on me during my first few months there making sure I was adjusting to my new surroundings okay. One breezy, hot summer day, in August in 1978, the day I made several unforgettable mistakes. There were a lot of changes going on in the community. The war in Vietnam had ended. The Black Panthers were being framed and hunted down by Government agents, our culture was changing from struggle awareness, to selfish awareness, from ‘I’m Black and I’m Proud” to self pride, the pie generation abandoned the path set in the 60’s and early 70’s generation, and began to change to change their individual slice of “The American Pie” their slang was not” together we stand, divided we fall”, it was “I got mine, get yours”, and “self preservation is the

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