
A Knight's Tale Essay

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In the film ‘A Knight’s Tale’, directed by Brian Helgeland, William is going to a banquet where he meets Jocelyn and they are seated next to each other. This scene is where William expresses his feelings about Jocelyn. The conversation is going perfectly until Adhemar comes and is also seated next to Jocelyn. This becomes awkward instantly as Adhemar tries to compliments Jocelyn. Brian Helgeland uses techniques like dialogue, costume,set design and camera angle to create the scene and tension between Jocelyn, Adhemar and William.

One technique used is costume, this is important because it shows their background and whether they are poor or rich. Williams outfit is made out of a green material which looks expensive and rich but it was made by Roland from their tent. Like William he is also …show more content…

When the priest comes and asks William for money, for the poor , Williams gives a generous amount of money to him. Adhemar reacts by saying “There won’t be any poor after Sir Ulrick is done emptying his pockets.” and William says back “There will always be poverty you see poverty is the one possession the poor have or no one will envy or take away from them.” William says this because he himself is poor and he knows what it feels like not having anything. When William gives the money he doesn’t do it to please Jocelyn he does it because he wants to give and help out the poor. When Williams gives a lot of money and says “There will always be poverty you see poverty is the one possession the poor have or no one will envy or take away from them.” shows the audience a lot about his character and his personality showing that he has nothing but he is still giving to the poor. Whereas Adhemar is rich and has all the money in the world and gives a generous amount of money just to please Jocelyn this shows he will do anything to try and win

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