A Literary Analysis Of The Importance Of Macbeth Act 4 Scene 2

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Death by Macduff
(A Literary Analysis Of The Importance Of Act 4 Scene 2) When you are a child you think that your dad is going to protect you from everything because that’s what a fathers role is. You never think about what could happen if he wasn’t going to be there when you need him. Macduff is on a mission to England to bring back Malcolm to take back what is his, the throne, because Macbeth is losing his mind. He leaves his family alone in their castle thinking that Macbeth is crazy but he wouldn’t go as far to kill his family. Before Macbeth sends his men to do just that Macduff’s son and his wife have a very heart to heart converation about life in general. Macduff should have been there to protect his family knowing what Macbeth was capable of but at the same time Macbeth should have been more of a man to stand up and evaluate the situation and what could come of it if he went through with this. Macbeth saw Macduff as a threat from the beginning, he was strong and nobel just like he use to be. Macbeth didn’t even know why Macduff was going to England and he decided to assissinate his family just because he can. He has all of this power and that is how he was chosing to use it ruined him entirely. Macbeth did the killing without thinking. He decided this for himself by himself. …show more content…

He knew that something bad was going to happen but he also knew that his dad was supposed to protect his brothers and sisters and his mom at the same time. He makes sure that his mom see’s where he is coming from so that she can have two opinions on him. Her own and then what their children think of him. He isn’t the brightest person in the world for just leaving and they know that. Macduff has a mind of his own when it comes to getting his way. Macduff was doing this for a good reason but he also should have thought this through before going all the way to England and leaving his family

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