Lady Macbeth's Loyalty Analysis

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Understanding Lady Macbeth Would you do anything to be loyal? William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is about a husband and wife who force their way to the crown but suffer in the aftermath of their actions. Lady Macbeth is not a monster. She is a loyal though misguided wife, not without tenderness and not without conscience. Lady Macbeth’s willingness to sacrifice her femininity exposes her loyalty towards Macbeth. After reading the letter regarding the witch’s prophecies, she decides she must do whatever it take to make Macbeth King: Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious …show more content…

While the banquet was underway, Macbeth had graphic hallucination of Banquo, Lady Macbeth tried to calm Macbeth down and bring him back to reality: “O, proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air-drawn dagger which you said led you to Duncan.”(3.4.74-76). Lady Macbeth is trying to ease Macbeth by emphasizing that “this is the very painting of your fear” reminding him not to listen to the hallucination and that it only appears when he is scared. Another way in which she tries to settle Macbeth is by reminding him of the “air-drawn dagger” that appeared in front of him but was not real. Lady Macbeth could have left Macbeth to make a fool of himself at the banquet, but instead with her tender heart she rushed to help him even after all the wrong he had …show more content…

Lady Macbeth wasn’t involved in the death of Macduff’s family, yet she still feels the guilt for his losses: “The Thane of Fife has a Wife. Where is she now? What will there hands we’re be clean? No more o’ that. You mar all with this starting.”(5.1.44-47). Lady Macbeth feels like she is responsible for the death of Macduff’s family because it was Macbeth who ordered their death, “The Thane of Fife had a Wife. Where is she now” as if she is adding it on to the list of her wrongs she has done. Lady Macbeth knows she has released the monster in Macbeth but is desperate to stop him and beg him “n more o’ that, my lord, no more o’ that”. Lady Macbeth’s sadness and guilt resulting from Macbeth’s actions proves that she has a

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