Macbeth Greed Quotes

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Macbeth was screwed from the beginning. Macbeth is a play in which a war hero is introduced to a prophecy that ultimately leads to his own demise due to the impact of his greed. Shakespeare’s Macbeth teaches us that human flaws such as greed can easily lead even the most noble and honorable of people down a dark path. This is shown through the change that Macbeth went through after hearing his prophecy and becoming consumed by greed.
In the beginning Macbeth was a skilled General who would willingly risk his own life to protect his king. Not only was he loyal to his king but he showed respect to his wife, which was not common during that time. Macbeth demonstrates consideration for his wife in Act 1, when he sent a message to his wife before …show more content…

This is seen in Act 2 when Macbeth is on his way to kill Duncan. “Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee” (II.I.42-43). In this quote Macbeth was overwhelmed with the thought of killing Duncan. The thought of committing such a evil crime is enough to make him see hallucinations. This shows that Macbeth is still a good person and doesn’t want to kill Duncan. However, Macbeth had already been persuaded by Lady Macbeth to go through with it, for they would be richer and …show more content…

In Act 4 Macbeth shows just how far he will go when he orders for Macduffs family to be killed out of mere irritation with him. “Seize upon Fife; give to the edge o' the sword. His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls” (IV.I.151-152). In this quote Macbeth has just learned of Macduff fleeing to England. Knowing he can't do anything to Macduff himself, Macbeth chooses a cheap move and decides to kill his family out of frustration. Killing his family was not a wise move because this just makes Macduff want to kill Macbeth even

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