
Macbeth Loyalty Essay

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Loyalty is a challenging thing to come by. It means to have a person's devotion or sentiment of attachment to a particular object, person, or cause. Often the acts of loyalty are proven to not be valued or are valued too much. In Shakespear's play “Macbeth” there are multiple relationships acting upon loyalty between many different characters. Some characters show it through flattering ways such as being devoted to the king, as others show it only to benefit one another in overthrowing the king. Why is it so important to show loyalty? Loyalty is all about trust, without it people cannot reach a common goal or cooperate with one another for a positive relationship. In this play loyalty is tested through complex relationships, betrayal, and power. …show more content…

There are many different standards of loyalty with different characters. One being the romantic relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth in this play. Macbeth wants to be royal, but king Duncan is standing in the way. It is Lady Macbeth and Macbeths plan to murder the king and those who stand in the way of becoming king to result in Macbeth sitting on the throne and ruling over the country. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth work together to show loyalty to one another by creating a plan to kill Duncan and make Macbeth the new king. For example, “All your services, in every point twice done and the done double.” Lady Macbeth scene 6, this quote is from the reading showing Lady Macbeth’s devotion to Macbeth when trying to make him the new royal of Scotland. Another quote I found in a song is, “Through all the hardship you know you are a friend of mine” Chris Stapleton. This is a quote from the song “Friendship” by Chris …show more content…

Macbeth is trying to work with Lady Macbeth and work through a plan to kill Duncan, Banquo, his son, and anyone else that stands in the way or the royalty in Scotland. In this scene Macbeth is treating Duncan unfair and not being a noble man to his king, Macduff is however a noble man who is abiding by the rules to serve the king of the country. Once Macduff hears about such nonsense, he tries to avenge Duncans murderer when he discovers that Macbeth is responsible for the regioide. After this scene both the Macbeths kill Duncan and are trying to claim the

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