A Long Way Gone Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone. N.p., n.d. PDF file. A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah is a book that retells his own experiences as a child soldier. The author, in this book, tells the reader how he became a child soldier during the civil war in his country. The book also discusses how the country faced social, economic, and political destruction due to the civil war. The book is a good account of the writer’s experiences as a child soldier. The book is a reliable account of a civil war because it is by the writer himself. This book gave me a lot of ideas for my research on “Child Abuse as a Social Problem”. The account by the author about how he had to lose his natural childhood and become a soldier fits in with the main …show more content…

ASCA, n.p. Web. 13 November 2015. As the name suggests, this research takes into account the different types research. The study ensures that all the different types of child abuse are covered in its discussion. The research focuses on the leading and most frequent types of child abuse. This research is of great value as it makes it easy for the reader to understand the different types of child abuse. It is not easy to understand child abuse and its different kinds without consulting researches like this one. This researches, under different subheadings, discusses several kinds of child abuse and explains them in detail. This research fits into my research easily as my research also focuses on child abuse as a social problem. This research explains different kinds of child abuse and then explains the reasons for them. This is where this research adds stronger argument in favor of my research. “What is Child Abuse”. Child Safety. Queens Land Government, n.p. Web. 13 November 2015. This article defines and explains the basic concept of child abuse. The article starts with explaining the basic idea of child abuse and its negative effects on the personality of children. …show more content…

For that, I used this source well. It was sources like these which made it easy for me to define child abuse for my target audience. The reason that the article defines and explains child abuse, makes me believe that it fits in with my research well. Williams, V. R. Chadwick.“The Boy Soldier”. The Vienna Review, 22 March 2011. Web. 8 November 2015. This article discusses in detail Beah’s journey as a boy soldier. The article comments on Beah’s feelings, experiences, and reactions when he had to lose childhood and become a child soldier. The article focuses on the point how Beah and children like him become a victim of child abuse due to a civil war. The article is a fine commentary on the experiences of a child as soldier. The article does not discuss all different kinds of child abuse, but it does discuss the child abuse from the perspective of the writer of the book. This article proved a good source for my research as it deals with the book that was one of the primary sources for my research. The article does not talk about child abuse in a great detail, but it does discuss child abuse keeping in mind the experiences of the writer of the book. This is why this source also proved a relevant secondary source for my research.