Observation Rhetorical Analysis

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Anne Irwin took close observation with boys who serve on the military combat in Afghanistan take into great consideration whether this lofty experience would transform boys into manhood. It takes huge effort at the beginning for them to confront and be inured with the life at Afghanistan. Irwin taken into three steps to depict the boys experience on the combat field. The transforming experiences are social means for encouraging the difficult development of people through the life course. The first steps is the physical and geographic separation from family and soldiers take an interest in mission particular preparing and are guarantee that there are no medicinal, mental or individual concerns behind them to be deserted (93). In addition, the liminal stage is where these soldiers has to “survive through a period of deprivation” including food and sleep deprivation. pg 95 paraphrase that “ certainly…firefights”. As Irwin noted, it is apparent that they experience valuable transformations and reintegrated into society in new statuses with new obligations and entitlement ( Irwin, 97). The optimal …show more content…

These unmarried women wants to “fulfill their noble tasks of motherhood”(p132). One of the motivation is they feel a sense of loneliness because many of them experience sentiments of insufficiency and uneasiness in a society surrounded by people who are in harmonious conjugal relationships(131). Moreover, even though numbers of “women are unlikely to marry, but “would need a child to take care of them in their old age” (132). A program implemented “encourage women to adopt an intensified focus on their bodies as the locus of their ‘femaleness’”(132). Motherhood, is one of the most unforgettable milestone in women’s life and a sense of achievement