
A Modern Person In The Great Gatsby

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To Be A Modern Person In Society Some people may have different views on what it takes to be a modern person in the society we live in. It might be that their perspective on a modern person is someone rich like Gatsby in the book The Great Gatsby, he was a very wealthy person and lived a lavish lifestyle. Others my think of a person like Janie in the book Their Eyes Were Watching God. Janie was a woman who did what made her happy instead of following what people tell her she should do. As for Laura in the Glass Menagerie, she was a girl who didn't really blend in well with certain people and saw herself as abnormal. The real world isn't always about being rich like Mr.Gatsby, one person can not have as much money as another. Some people think that it's a necessity in life to be rich if a person wants to live in our society and be normal, which may not be fair to others because not everyone can get to a certain level of wealthiness in their life. As for Gatsby who threw parties all the time and didn't even attend them. People only loved him mainly for the parties and all the money he had. The society Gatsby lived in was almost like ours where some people now live a lavish …show more content…

Janie did what she wanted and didn't worry much of what others thought of her. Even though people tell her that she should get with someone wealthy she didn't want to and she realized that she didn't have to either. She realized even though some men had a lot of money that it's not what she needed to find her happiness she can have a man without money and who loves her just as much and she loves him the same. Everyone expected Janie to get with someone rich so she can be rich also which is an expectation that the modern society we live in now expects everyone to be

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