A No-Rough-Type Deal Analysis

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Bad could arguably be one of the most popular TV series in the history of Television. A completely different story line than any other show, it hooks people right from the beginning. But, this analysis is going to move away from the story line and take an in depth look at a few elements of shot composition. These elements will include proxemics (shots), framing, and focus. I will look deep into these elements and how they bring a deeper meaning to specific scene’s in Breaking Bad, more so episode 7 “A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal”.
The beginning of the episode starts off with a meeting between the parents at the school. To be able to see all the parents, they utilize a long shot, which shows the full body of the principle and the other parents that are sitting down at the surrounding tables. This allows us to see the amount of people that are attending this meeting. The camera continues to move back to Walter and Sklyer. They utilize an elbow shot during this sequence. This is made to create intimacy and the writers of Breaking Bad wanted just that. After the use of the elbow shot, the camera …show more content…

This is when Walter gets the idea to lie to his wife and tell her he is going on Navajo sweat lodge for the weekend. Focus is one of the parts of emphasis in this scene. At first, they use a deep focus. This allows us to clearly see everything in their room. It allows us to do the focusing with our own perception and eyes. As the scene progresses, they utilize a rack focus during a major part of their conversation. The reason for this is because it draws into attention on their conversation. It switches between Walter and Skyler and blurs out everything in the background. This allows for our focus to only be between the two of them. It lets us hear the dialogue between the two and the support that Sklyer has for Walter for his weekend