A Part-Time Indian Book Report

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Book challenging is an attempt by a person or group of people to have a book removed from a public library or school. Although the novel The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie does expose young teenagers to racism and describes sexual acts and have many other issues. It does not mean it has to be taken off of schools and library shelves because the book gives students a view of other people's lives and they can from that. In the year 2011 the Stockton school board in Missouri were the first to ban the book. It has been challenged for many reasons, including offensive language, racism, religion viewpoints, sex, and violence. Some moments in the book that were mentioned that could've been disturbing is masturbation, alcohol-related deaths, bullying, and the ill effects of poverty. This year the book has been challenged three times at three different schools it was pulled from the Meridian high school reading list after some parents complained that the novel "discusses masturbation, contains profanity, and has been viewed as anti-Christian." Challenged at the Cedar Grove Middle School in Wilmington because "the book contains numerous depictions of sexual behavior, as well as instances of racism, vulgar language, bullying, and violence." …show more content…

Even Though all of this is explained in the book with many details it shouldn't affect the student because in today's society in the internet there are lots of things that they are exposed too and it's way worse than what they read in the book. Lesson that can be learned in the book is the surroundings of a person and where someone comes from whether it's terrible does not result on how their going to turn out in the future because one can create their own