A Past For The Future: The Invention Of Old Sacramento

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Old Sacramento had a lot of changes to remove everything that was in the past to the future. “The Invention of Old Sacramento: A Past for the Future” by Lee M. A. Simpson and Lisa C. Prince, wrote on how old Sacramento changed throughout the years. Old Sacramento is an historical site that reproduces growth of an inner-city with environmental politics and historic preservation movement. Old Sacramento is also a home of successful business during the nineteenth century, due to a district that was created in Old Sacramento. The district had gone through a lot especially protecting Old Sacramento. This essay explains on how Old Sacramento became a mainstream. The essay explains the protection of Old Sacramento. During the 1950s and the 1960s, …show more content…

The West End area was the birth place of Old Sacramento and a place for California history making. “From the city’s founding in 1849, boats carrying global migrants, miners and merchants plied the Sacramento River, arriving at Sutter’s Embarcadero at the foot of J Street. The booming riverfront quickly became the commercial and social hub of the infant city, offering vital supplies and sanctuary to the multitudes of new residents and miners headed for the nearby gold areas” (Lee M. A. Simpson and Lisa C. Prince, Page 292). It explained how the Sacramento River became important for its city, but something changed in Old Sacramento. The state legislature moved their new capitol building on Tenth Street on December 6, 1869, which made the city shift away from the river. Another reason that the river was abandoned was due to the train depot. “Four years later, the Central Pacific Railroad relocated its depot from Front and K Streets to the filled-in Sutter’s Slough, thus moving this important transportation hub away from the river front” (Lee M. A. Simpson and Lisa C. Prince, Page 292). The train depot is a new way to transport people and supplies in a fast and safer way, which made a lot of people to not use the Sacramento River for no use. A lot buildings caused people to ignore the Sacramento River, like the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, new city hall and post office, are the proof of people …show more content…

One of the answers is the future planning of Old Sacramento; in 1945 the California Redevelopment Act gave the authority to begin redevelopment in the shattered conditions in Old Sacramento; “Blight was defined as the condition in urban areas that constituted physical and economic liabilities and which required redevelopment ‘in the interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the people’” (Lee M. A. Simpson and Lisa C. Prince, Page 292). Old Sacramento was falling apart and needed to get a rebuild, and something good happened to Old Sacramento. The city council appropriated $3200 to get redevelopment examination. When the examination was completed, the council requested permission to the federal government’s Housing and Home Finance Agency to store $364000 for redevelopment of Old Sacramento. “In order to receive state and federal funds the California Community Redevelopment Act of 1945 and the federal Housing Act of 1949 mandated that cities or countries create a local public agency to plan and manage redevelopment projects in their communities. The city created the Sacramento Redevelop Agency on September 25, 1950, with a mandate to prepare the preliminary financial analysis, studies and plans for redevelopment area” (Lee M. A. Simpson and Lisa C. Prince, Page 292). The areas were the city blocks from the Sacramento River east towards to Tenth Street and to I

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