Personal Narrative: My Trip To Barcelona

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This past summer my family and I took a trip to Barcelona. We were all looking forward to going because we had never been. When we arrived, we settled into our hotel and decided to take a walk around the city. A main road near where we were staying had a lot of kiosks, which looked interesting. We strolled down the road, when suddenly we heard screams and a loud roar from behind us. We all turned around and immediately saw a big white van driving towards us. We all jumped out of the way and ran into a hotel. Everything happened in a blur, but at that moment I realized that I had just lived through a terrorist attack.
We were in the hotel, waiting for about six hours, when we were finally allowed to go. Eventually we made it back to our hotel …show more content…

My brother has been going there since 9th grade and says great things about it. When I told my parents I wanted to apply, they were very pleased. They signed me up for the ISEE in early November, and I didn’t do as well as I thought I would. When I received my scores I thought there’s no way I’ll make it in now. But I saw how this is what I learned from hockey and Barcelona. I wanted to do better on the test and I knew I could. I talked to my parents about taking the test again. They signed me up for January 6th, and from that day on I worked as hard as I could. I was prepared to retake and nail this test. But, on New Years Day, I woke up with a bad stomach ache. It grew bigger until the point where I could barely move. My Dad took me into the Emergency Room and the doctors told me I had appendicitis. Looking back on that day, I was scared out of my mind. But when the time came to have my surgery, I didn’t panic or freak out. I stayed calm and got through it. I was then hospitalized for another 3 days and was in no shape to take a test. I felt a rush of thoughts go through my mind. But it was clear that I was going to apply anyway, even though I was thinking about giving up again. But what I learned was that I just have to push forward and keep on