A Raisin In The Sun Essay

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A black Trinidadian rapper, Nicki Minaj, grew up in a turbulent home and was in extreme poverty. She prayed and worked so she just wanted be able to make enough money to take care of her mother. Nicki Minaj ended up making more money than expected which was a blessing for her and her family. In the play, “A Raisin in the Sun ” by Lorraine Hansberry, an African American family is given $10,000 because the grandpa in the family passed away. The family didn’t have much money so this money was beneficial to the family. The money was a blessing to the family for more than one reason. The first reason is, that money can help bring people together. Another reason is many problems can be solved with money. Money can improve chances of finding new opportunities, …show more content…

This is proven when Ruth and Walter were together and “[they] held hands” (Hansberry 111). This made Ruth happy for the reason that, Walter and she haven't been romantic in a while. This made her feel love again for Walter and it was something that needed to happen to improve the relationship. When Walter and the family received the money he started to improve his life and behavior and repaired his relationship with Ruth. If the family didn’t receive the money they wouldn’t have been put in this situation and their relationship wouldn’t have improved. This made both of them happy and overall improved their overall happiness. It also improved the relationship between Travis and God. When mama was talking to Travis she told him, “when you say your prayers tonight you thank God and your grandfather 'cause it was him who gave you the house in his way” (Hansberry 91). This gave something for the family to be grateful for and gave them something else to pray about. This made the family closer to God by giving them something else to pray about. The Younger family started to lose hope and faith, as a result of their inadequate lives. Not only did this improve Ruth and Walters’ relationship, and the families' relationship with God, but it gave them more hope and faith for the future as