A Raisin In The Sun Title Meaning

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Lorraine Hansberry named her play A Rasin In the Sun after Langston Hughs's poem Harlem, due to the fact that Harlem is about having a dream and not being able to accomplish that dream. In A Rasin in the Sun Beneatha, who is the sister of Walter and the daughter of mama, exemplifies the title due to her dream to become a doctor. Beneatha's dreams were deferred when her brother Walter losses all her money for medical school we see this when Mama says ”You mean your sister’s school money you used that to Walter?”(Hansberry 129) Benetha is upset because she believes that she is not going to be able to achieve her dream. Beneatha has dreamed of being a doctor and her dream has just been deferred/ delayed. This relates to title A Rasin in the Sun because Hughes compares a dream …show more content…

Beneatha feels that her dream is all ”dried up” and that she no longer has the resources to reach her dream. Beneatha feels help less like a tiny raisin against the big lumming sun above it. Consequently, she is a strong representation of the title A Rasin in the Sun. Walter, who is Beneathas brother; Mamas son; and Ruths husband, is also an exemplification of the title A Rasin in the Sun because his dream of being able to provide and take care of his family is lost when he losses the money. Walters's dream was deferred when he took all of the familys money and lost it by trusting the wrong person, this represents Hughe’s poem Harlem because he feels that his dream ”Sags like a heavy load”(Hughes ln 9-10) Walter feels upset and sad when he loses the money and it is a huge weight in his shoulder. Walter has let his family down and feels that he will not be able to fulfill his dream of taking care of his family. He also has caused his family to financially unstable and defers his sister Beneatha's dream of being a doctor. He also defers his wifes of being able to raise their family in a nice