A Response To Gerald Graff's Hidden Intellectualism

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Having never taken a college writing course before, I did not know what to expect and therefore assumed that I would choose my own topic to write about; of course, this isn’t the case. However, if I had the choice, I would not have chosen to write a response to Gerald Graff’s “Hidden Intellectualism”. After going through his essay with a fine-tooth comb, I have found a few flaws in his reasoning. Gerald Graff believes that schools and colleges are not taking advantage of “street smarts” by not using them in an intellectual setting when in fact, schools are providing students with a large assortment of other knowledge and skills. In Graff’s essay “Hidden Intellectualism”, he argues for the importance of changing school curriculums in order to better reflect the interests …show more content…

While it may be true that even if a student is reading Sports Illustrated, they will still become more literate and reflective than if they hadn’t read at all, it is also true that the student is then less likely to read the same desired material outside of class because they are already being forced to read it inside of class. Moreover, if class time is spent reading something such as Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success, the student will be more inclined to read Sports Illustrated outside of class; thus, increasing their reading time altogether. On the report of Engaging Schools: Fostering High School Students’ Motivation to Learn, “studies have shown that students who read outside of school become better readers (Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding, 1988; Fielding, 1994; Guthrie, Schafer, Wang, and Afflerbach, 1995)” (64). Therefore, by engaging in materials which the students may not be interested in during the school day, they will be more likely to read other subject matters outside of school and consequently increase their reading