A Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

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On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, declared the independence of the American colonies from the clutches of their British oppressors. Following the revolutionary war, the American Colonies gained their independence and began to function’s its own independent nation. It was not always easy, as revealed through the various battles fought during the civil war, but strong leadership throughout these difficult times held the new nation together and ultimately made it stronger. Sixteenth President Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address somberly reflects on the negatives effects of the civil war while proposing a solution for America’s issues of inequality. Lincoln supports his claim on reunification of the United States by employing antithesis, parallelism, and repetition with the intentions of honoring the lives of those lost in the battle at Gettysburg in order to construct the perfect union.

In the introduction of his speech Lincoln utilizes parallelism to emphasize that the nation was “conceived in liberty”, based on a priminace of freedom and “dedicated to the proposition that all men [and women] are created equal”. When the sixteenth president delivered the …show more content…

Our founders created this “government of the people, by the people [and] for the people with the intentions of breaking away from an unjust, tyrannical government. Abraham Lincoln repetition of the word, “people” to show a commonality amongst the Confederates and the Union to further his claim about the rejuvenation of the Unites States; The North in the south were no different, they once both shared the vision of a nation free of social and political unjust. Who knew that a disagreement would draw a detrimental line of division a country built upon the disagreements within