A Rhetorical Analysis Of Article By Cesar Chavez

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On the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an article was published in a religious magazine by Cesar Chavez. Dr. King was a leader of the African American civil rights movement, his work, speeches and spread of non-violence inspired many people. He led many marches and uprisings in the African American community, which played a key role in the civil rights movement against inequality. Cesar Chavez, leader of the Chicano movement and labor union organizer, drew inspiration from the strategies of conveyed throughout Dr. King's speech. Cesar Chavez uses this article to persuade and spread the idea of non-violence to fellow Chicanos and leaders in addition to keeping Dr. King's values by using comparison, cause and effect and diction. In Cesar Chavez's article he begins to compare the past with the present. He asks the audience to "examine history," Chavez also questions the audience by asking, "Who gets killed in a violent revolution? The poor, the workers". Chavez puts into perspective how violent actions have caused nothing but harm to revolutions and the people involved in those …show more content…

He states that if violence is used an even larger amount of violence and deaths will result, "violence will be escalated and there will be many injuries and perhaps death on both side, or there will be a total demoralization of the workers." Chavez also explains the possible cause and effect of using non-violent methods. He explains how if every act of violence is responded to with non-violence, a large amount of support to his cause of Chicano labor rights will be attracted. The oppressed people of the United States "still yearn for justice. It is to that yearning that we appeal" will be motivated by witnessing the determination and the strength to use peaceful strategies to fight for the rights that should have been granted from the