A Rhetorical Analysis Of Mark Boyle's Buy Nothing Day

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Compulsive consumers are the target audience of the essay “Buy Nothing Day 2012 is Approaching, Could You Stop Spending for One Day?” but in general it is addressed to all residents. The purpose of Mark Boyle is to explain his readers how important is that obsessive consumers begin to reduce their spending. To achieve his goal the author tries to persuade his audience with the use of examples that show the most important benefits of living “completely moneylessly.” For example, workers would not be forced to work in places where they are not satisfied because of the need to have higher wages. Another evidence he uses is that if individuals effectively demonetized their daily lives, they would learn to value more important aspects of life, such as enjoying real interpersonal relationships. Mark Boyle is highly convincing with his argument because he supports his claim with different well-founded evidences and real …show more content…

For instance, if we participate in the Buy Nothing Day, we are contributing to the conservation of the Earth. In addition, he guarantees that living without the need to use money is possible because he has successfully achieved this challenge. The writer mentions a possible different point of view when he says “Reducing our consumption, we are told, would be terrible for the rampaging beast known only as The Economy.” However, he clarifies that this statement is nothing more than a confusion or strategy made by politicians and economists to increase sales. His argument is positional because he demonstrates his clear position about an issue he cares about. He provides different reasons why reducing expenses is vital. Moreover, the author works with a topic that people might hold considerably different opinions about. Part B In the article, “Buy Nothing Day 2012 is Approaching, Could You Stop Spending for One Day?” Mark Boyle states that if humans stop spending so much on material wealth, they would greatly benefit from it. He begins his essay