What Does Bradbury's Advice Does Thoreau Offer To Those Who Live In Poverty

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1. From your point of view, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of spending two solitary years in a natural setting?

Some advantages of living in a natural setting for two year would be getting to know what one is surrounded with, getting to know oneself and become connected with one’s spiritual, emotional and physical self. As well as learning to create and build with what God has put on this earth versus what man has created through processed systems and also without having the pressure to competing with what others have or do not have in life. The disadvantages of living in nature for two year would be separated from a social stimulating system where everyone is interacting constantly whether it be a good or bad, certain thing …show more content…

“Love what you do and do what you love” Ray Bradbury in this case it is farming if one does not have a passion for it than it is like jail because there is a schedule for what needs to be done just like a jail therefore he means if one chooses to do something, do it out of will and want not because it was told to do so.

3. (a)What advice does Thoreau offer to those who live in poverty?

“Money is not required to buy one necessary of the soul” (Thoreau 409). Thoreau offers advice to those who live in poverty, to live their life because money is not the answer.

(b) What does this advice suggest about Thoreau’s definition of true wealth?

“...for a man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford let alone.” (Thoreau 404). To Henry being rich is not being attached to materialistic things and be able to leave it behind.

4. (a) According to Thoreau, by what is our life “frittered …show more content…

(b) How would he like to see that motto implemented?

“...I should see it acted up more rapidly and systematically” (Thoreau 412). The government should be faster and have a system.

3. (a) How does Thoreau define the best possible kind of government?

The best kind of government is when there is none and the people are ready for it.

(b) According to Thoreau, when will Americans get the best possible kind of government?

“Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect,...” (Thoreau 413). The person who steps forward to take charge needs to speak like a practical citizen and therefore will earn respect.

4. (a) What is Thoreau asking his readers to do?

The government are people that were chosen to be there because they allowed therefore the real power is not with the government, it is with the people. The people have the power.

(b) Does Thoreau present a convincing argument for acting on one’s principles?

He does have a convincing argument, it is all very logical base and is completely correct.

5. (a) What arguments might you use to counter Thoreau’s objections to the idea of a standing